Sunday, February 03, 2008


If you haven't tried browsing with Firefox yet, you should reserve sometime this next week and give it a try. To be honest, I've always been an Internet Explorer person. I really never had any reason to change.

This past year I've been supporting an application that is suppose to work fine with Firefox. And once we got the Windows Authentication issue resolved, it's working great. Being we have a number of users using Firefox, I installed it so I could mimic any wacky behavior they see. For the most part, we've had very few issues.

Once I started to play with Firefox a bit, I found that I actually really liked it. My favorite feature is the spell check which from the looks of it, has already found four spelling errors as I write this blog.

I actually thought the spell check was part of Blogger, which I use to write my daily thoughts. In the back of my mind I said, "those smart Google folks. How in the heck can they do spell checker on the fly when I haven't installed any client software?" As it turns out, just this morning I was writing an email using my college email interface - which is probably the worst you've ever seen - and suddenly it too was noticing my spelling errors. A number of them I might add. As a side note, I've self diagnosed myself with a slight form of dyslexia which affects my spelling.

It then came to me that Firefox was doing dynamic spell check. And by the looks of it, they are doing a pretty good job.

So if you find yourself with some extra time, download Firefox and give it a try. I think you'll like it.

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