Monday, August 24, 2009

Review: "Lose It!"

I loaded the iPhone application "Lose It!". From what I can tell, it's a way of tracking your calorie input. A colleague of mine has lost 30 pounds using it so I thought it was only prudent to try the application for myself. My doctor has been none too happy watching my weight gain the past two years. (In my defense, it's all be after a child.)

To get started I told the application I wanted to lose one pound a week until I reached 200 pounds. I'm at 235 right now so my program is scheduled out until early next year. While I find the application neat (and easy to lie to), I've not had much luck with the weight loss. After four days I've successfully gained two pounds. No fault to the application.

While I like Lose It!, I wish there was some type of monitor you could put behind your ear or in between your toes that would monitor actual calorie intake. Think that would help us stay in better shape?

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